Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer Fun!

Aaron & his brothers went to Alaska this summer.
This is a picture of Aaron and his King Salmon that he caught!
Aaron, Matt, Chris, and their Halibet
Swimming at Tim's pool!
Baby Avery is getting so big!
My favorite place in the world. Lake Powell. Carrying on the family tradition my 3 year old learned how to water ski this week. Her older sister already knows how.
I can't believe that school is going to start in less than a week. We have been having lots of fun this summer playing, vacationing, swimming. Oh, did I say we I mean Aaron and the girls have been having lots of fun, as for me I have been on baby duty since she was born but I have enjoyed my time spent with her. I'm just posting some random pictures of our summer outings.


Traci Barney said...

Love the picture of your little girl skiing! Brings back memories of when our families went boating together. Reminds me of when we were learning to ski. I still remember that time when your Dad picked up Crystal (I think she was pretty upset at the time because she didn't want to go), jumped on the knee board and took her for a ride. I think my Dad was driving the boat. Ahhh...Good Times.


The Grant Family said...

I showed Liberty your pictures and she said she wants to go and maybe we should make a play date. She also mentioned recently that she would like to skydive and bungy jump. :)

Montay said...

Looks like you have had a busy summer miss you all tons...