Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Last of Summer!

I'm finally back online! We started out with such a small remodeling project and it has turned into a huge production. Anyway through all the dust and grim we have been able to relax and have a few more trips before we head into fall.

Samantha and Alexis camping at Lava Hot Springs

Cute chubby Avery trying to stay cool in the shade at Lava

Samantha and Aaron jumping from the first plat form. My brave girl!

Samantha's first day of 1st grade

Alexis' first day of preschool

Samantha, her cousin Justine, and Alexis at Cliff Lake, Montana for the Wilson Family Vacation.

Alexis and Pooter (somehow Pooter manages to be in most of my pictures) at Cliff Lake.

Samantha and her cousin Braxton fishing